[in greek]

The Organization for the Cultural Capital of Europe - Thessaloniki 97 and the School for the Blind of Northern Greece will organise an open chess tournament for all disable people.



21st of June 1st round


27th of June 7th ( last ) round


Any disable person ( blind , deaf , deaf and dumb , paraplegic, in wheel chair etc. ) His / her national organization must confirm to us that he / she is a member.



Time limit:

2 hours for each player for the whole game

Standings / prizes:

1st player 175.000 drs

2nd 125.000 drs

3rd 100.000 drs

4th 75.000 drs

5th 25.000 drs


The games will probably start at 17.00 in case that the players would like to taste our traditional retsina and souvlaki ( wine and food ) while swimming at our picturesque beaches.

The last ten days of June will be a celebration of handicapped people’ activities.

The festival will start with the European Open Chess Tournament where all different categories of disable people can participate.

The playing hall will be easily accesible to people in wheel chairs (Pinewood International Schools - Municipality of Pilea - Thessaloniki) .

The championship will be also sponsored by the Hellenic Bottling Company S.A. The 7-round chess tournament will last 7 days, from 21st to 27th of June.

During the tournament , two other events will take place : a Blind Artists Sculpture Exhibition and a presentation of Greek Blind Poets’ work.

These two events are the outcome of the School for The Blind of Northern Greece Art workshop, sponsored by the Organization for the Cultural Capital of Europe - Thessaloniki 97.

The major activity of the celebration will be the Mediterranean Football Tournament for Totally Blind , 29-30/ 6.

The teams from Spain , France and Italy will compete our team. Come along to participate or to attend and support our activities.

Responsible for the programme,

M. Souliotis

For more details

Mastoras Elias

fax 00 30 31 547 382