Museums of Thessaloniki:14.
Museum of Byzantine Culture
2, Stratou Ave., GR-546 40 Thessaloniki, P.O.Box 17517.
Phone 031 868570-4, Fax 031 838597.
Map - to locate Museum (remember number!)
The areas occupied by permanent exhibitions and those reserved for the occasional mounting of thematic ones, the highly equipped conservation laboratories and their arcaeological storerooms constitute a continuous link with the natural surroundings of the city and its Byzantine monuments, to which the Museum will refer as "living" exhibits.
In 1997, only the Early Christian wing will be open, three rooms in which
the following individual topics will be covered:
A. Early Christian worship and art (including original evidence on architecture, sculpture and painting).
B. Private life in the Early Byzantine period (material on secular architecture, household equipment, economy and daily life).
C. From the Elysian Fields to the Christian Paradise (material on Early Christian cemeteries, funerary architecture and painting, cult practices, jewelry, glass and clay vases from tomb excavations).