Museums of Thessaloniki:23.
Thessaloniki Museum of the Cinema
44, Andreou Georgiou St., GR-546 27 Thessaloniki.
Phone 031 554464, Fax 031 554524.
With the support of the Organization for the Cultural Capital of Europe Thessaloniki 1997.
Map - to locate Museum (remember number!)
It was recognised as an institution in 1995 by the Organization for the Cultural Capital of Europe Thessaloniki 1997.
The Museum has already purchased the relevant collections (old films, cameras, programmes, photographs, publications,
etc.) from the renowned film makers of Thessaloniki Nikos Bililis and Vassilis Papadopoulos, as well as the giant
cinema posters by the artist K. Arvanitidis, the last proponent of the art.
This material is being recorded, filed and prepared for display as well as research in the building at Andreou Georgiou Street.
In 1996 the Museum will be permanently housed in a listed building, currently under restoration at Pier I in the port of Thessaloniki.
The Museum is setting up a cinema library, is preparing a series of relevant publications and prints, has already commissioned
the creation of an archive of music for the cinema and has scheduled events celebrating the "100 years of the cinema".